Bluebird News
The NYSBS prints a quarterly newsletter, Bluebird News. It is published in March, June, September and December. It is sent, either electronically or by postal mail, to all members of the organization. It is the member’s choice as to how the newsletter is received; however, the organization recommends that you choose electronically for the reasons that:
- The member receives it in a much more timely manner than by U. S. Postal Service mail;
- Received electronically, it is in full color instead of black and white;
- For those that travel or are away at summer or winter residences, the email copy will follow you;
- The electronic version saves the Society money (money that can be used to buy nest boxes, etc.) as there are no printing costs or mailing costs.
Click on the links below to download PDF sample copies of two past issues of Bluebird News. Join the NYSBS now to be sure you never miss another issue!
Click here to preview the Summer 2019 Newsletter
Click here to preview the Fall 2018 Newsletter