
Links and Resources

Websites/Phone Links/Books 


NYSBS information page on Emergencies

NYS Department of Environmental Conservation listing of state rehabilitators for song birds: 

Suffolk Co.:  North Fork Animal Hospital can be contacted 24/7 at 631-765-2400 and/or the Evelyn Alexander Wildlife Rescue Center in Hampton Bays at  631-728-9453. 

Links to Bluebird Organizations:

North American Bluebird Society:

NABS promotes the recovery of bluebirds and other cavity nesters.  (This link will give you the current links to the other North American Bluebird Society’s affiliates in the United States and Canada.)

Links to Other Bluebird Pages:

All About Eastern Bluebirds:   Best site for all the bluebird information you want to know and more. 

American Bird Conservancy:

Information about bluebirds

Bluebird forum:

Links to Other Birding Programs:

Cornell Lab of Ornithology:  homepage

             Nestwatch – A nest box monitoring project from Cornell.  Join and enter your nesting data.

             eBird – A joint project between Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Audubon where you can record  and access birding observations.

New York State Purple Martin Project,

The Purple Martin Conservation Association:

Wilson Ornithological Society                     

Links to other helpful websites:

NYS Department of Environmental Conservation – Attracting wildlife to your yard:

 New York State Native Plant Listing:

Links to bluebird and other birding commercial pages: 

Please note

Please check the NYSBS items for sale before buying elsewhere.  Buying from us helps us raise money to bring you this site.

The NYSBS does not officially endorse these sites or their products.  They are here for your reference.

Bluebird and other items for sale: 

TMB Studios:

Purple Martin Conservation Organization:

Wild Birds Unlimited:   

Birding Tours in NYS and the USA:

Links for photos of bluebirds and other cavity nesters:

Douglas Domedion:  Search:  Douglas Domedion and bird photos

David Kinneer

Kenn & Temple

Jerry Acton

Cherie Layton

Bluebird Books:

The Bluebird Monitor’s Guide, Berger, Kridler and Grigg, 2001, HarperCollins.  This book is out of print but might be found in collections of old books or online.  It is a great resource on bluebirds and other cavity nesters.

Children’s Bluebird Activity Book, Pearman, 2009, Mountain Bluebird Trails.  A free PDF version of this booklet can be downloaded at This is a great book for children.  The book is for sale on the Items for Sale listing on the NYSBS website

Bluebird Trails A Guide to Success, Scriven, 1999, Shapco Printing.  A basic guide for those monitoring bluebird trails.  

Bluebird Book A Complete Guide to Attracting Bluebirds, Stokes, 1999, Little, Brown and Company.  A beginner’s guide to attracting bluebirds and their behaviors.  The book is for sale on the Items for Sale listing on the NYSBS website 

Studying Eastern Bluebirds – A Biologist’s Reflections,  T David Pitts, Redleaves Publishing 2011. The book is for sale on the Items for Sale listing on the NYSBS website 

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