Events Calendar

Calendar of Events

Welcome to the NYSBS Events Calendar, where you can see programs, meetings, and exhibits planned for your area. Use the drop-down box on the top right of the calendar to cycle through the different views available.  Clicking the “+” sign in each event’s listing reveals more information about the event, and clicking “Read More” will show the full details.  The Category drop-down box can be used to sort events by county.


“Bluebirds and More” @ Saratoga Springs Public Library
Mar 26 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

This inspiring and informative PowerPoint presentation includes the life history of the
Eastern Bluebird, other birds that nest in bluebird boxes, nest box management, and more. The focus definitely is on bluebirds, but John also shares his love for the natural world in the hope the audience will take away some broader and deeper messages about nature. The program has variety, feeling, and is inspirational. Sprinkled throughout are just a few wildflowers, butterflies, other birds, quotes by some of the great naturalists of the past, and more. With beautiful photographs, sounds, and a sincere, enthusiastic presentation style, this program is of interest to anyone who appreciates nature.

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