Event Submission Form Tell us about your local county's program, meeting or exhibit giving as much information as possible about the event, including your contact information. NOTE: Submitting this form will send the information to the NYSBS President for review, who can then pass it on to our webmaster for posting on the actual calendar of events. Should any corrections or clarifications be needed you will be contacted by the President for input before the event is posted. In the event the form does not submit correctly on your device, please send event details to *protected email*, including as much information requested on the form as possible. Your Name:* Your E-mail:* Title of Event* Your Phone Start Date* End Date Start Time:* End Time:* Single Day Event?*YesNo Event Location (Venue name)* Address:* Street Address City Postal / Zip Code County* What contact information would you like published on the calendar?NameE-mailPhoneNone Who should we contact if more information is needed?:*Contact meContact organizer Organizer name (if other than yourself) Organizer E-mail (if other than your own): Organizer Phone (If different from your own) If you have a flyer describing your event, you may upload it here: (File types allowed are jpg, jpeg, png, gif, doc, docx, pdf - Maximum file size 2 MB.) Event Description*In the event the form does not submit correctly on your device, you can try using a different device or browser, clearing your cache or cookies, and disabling browser extensions. If none of these work, please send event details to *protected email*, including as much information requested on the form as possible. SubmitReset