Nest Cam

2024 Season

Live view of Nest Box in Champlain NY

(NOTE: Occasionally you may see a message saying “This live stream recording is not available.” This may be because of a computer crash or power reset on the network the cam is running on. There’s no need to notify us in that case. Our tech team is aware of the situation, and is working to restore the feed as soon as possible.)



2023 Season is over!

Three new bluebirds fledged on July 24, 2023. Check back next year to see what the 2024 season brings.

The nestbox is in Chazy, NY. 

2022 Season

Two successful nestings from this box in 2022. 

The nestbox is in Chazy, NY. The entire group of nestlings from the first nesting fledged on May 22. Below are some clips from the fledging sequence for you to enjoy. Thanks to John Trombley for sharing this experience with us!






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